e-sylife, a unique solution

e-sylife is the only solution dedicated to improving the living environment. With e-sylife you have access in real time to key data from your home, directly on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Connected to your home, you monitor your settings, anticipate and optimize your lifestyle.

Via your e-sylife dashboard and your connected tools, stay in touch with your home !

How does it work ?

1 – I connect my e-sylife kub to the Internet.

2 – I create my account in a few clicks and consult my interactive dashboard.

Installation help

Pour réaliser des économies suivez la consommation énergétique de votre foyer

Reducing my energy bills

Thanks to e-sylife, I visualize the evolution of my energy consumption (electricity, water and gas), I consult in real time the consumption of each electrical appliance, and of every gesture of daily life (shower, bath, dishwasher,…). So I can educate my family, estimate the amount of my annual bill and generate from 5 to 15% savings.

Pour le confort de votre famille contrôlez la qualité de l’air intérieur

Improving the comfort of my home :

Informed that indoor air is on average 8 times more polluted than outdoor air, I monitor my home indoor air quality, temperature and humidity. I optimize my family living environment, and receive alerts as soon as a critical threshold is reached (presence of pollutants such as VOCs, high humidity, …)

Pour surveiller votre maison, installez un détecteur d’alarmes connecté

Protecting my home

Listening to the security systems installed in my house, e-sylife alerts me by email and SMS when an audible alarm is triggered, as any fire, carbon monoxide, flood or intrusion detectors.
e-sylife also carries my CCTV camera video streams to my dashboard.


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